My name is Ellen Morgan. I am a mom of two beautiful little girls, Jasmine and Maaliyah (pronounced Ma-Lee-Ah). You can check them out at www.JasmineandMaaliyah.com. We are working on uploading more videos soon, but there are a few cute and funny videos there now. They keep me pretty busy. They love tumbling, cheerleading, and dance, plus they do a little modeling every now and then. They are the light of my life.
I am also a wife to a wonderful man named Jeremy. He is kind and patient, a real benefit in a house full of girls. We have been married 7 years in August. It was a blessing we met. He helps keeps me focused.
The thing I do to help pay the bills, is design websites. You can check out some of my designs at www.MobilePC.us/html/web_design.html. One of the sites I am currently working on is www.KimBurney.com (it is under construction). It is for my mom, she is awesome. She started her own computer consulting company, published a book, and is working on her second book now. How cool is all that!
Some other things that I like to do are: photography. I am also working on a children’s book, well two actually. I just finished one, check it out at www.ChangeMyWorldwithLove.com I am hoping to get it to the publisher for printing soon. I am currently looking for sponsers who believe in the message, and would like to help get it printed. The other is a work in process. They both are inspired by ho’oponopono. For more info on ho’oponopono, go to www.ZeroLimits.info. Zero Limits is an amazing book written by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. After reading The Attractor Factor, another great book written by Dr. Joe Vitale, and listening to Zero Limits, I realized that the greatest thing I could do as a parent was to raise my children at Zero. The next thing that I realized was that I should share this with as many other parents and children as possible.
Well, I look forward to sharing more with you.
Ellen Morgan